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WEB Code Oranje: A New Force in Dutch Politics

A Look at the Movement's Rise and Policies

Background and Founding

WEB Code Oranje was officially established on November 15, 2018, in response to growing concerns about the state of democracy in the Netherlands. The movement takes its name from "code orange," a national warning system indicating a high risk of terrorist or other threats.

Mission and Policies

WEB Code Oranje aims to revitalize and strengthen Dutch democracy by promoting a range of policies, including:

  • Increasing citizen participation in political decision-making
  • Reforming the electoral system to make it more representative
  • Strengthening the independence of the judicial system
  • li>Combating climate change and environmental degradation
  • Improving education and healthcare for all citizens

Impact and Reception

WEB Code Oranje has quickly gained attention and support, particularly among young people. The movement's rallies and protests have drawn thousands of participants across the country. Dutch politicians from various parties have expressed interest in engaging with WEB Code Oranje's ideas.

While some critics have questioned the feasibility of the movement's proposals, WEB Code Oranje's supporters believe its fresh perspectives and grassroots support could bring about positive change in Dutch politics.


WEB Code Oranje is a rapidly growing political movement that aims to transform Dutch politics. Its emphasis on citizen participation, electoral reform, and social justice has resonated with many citizens who are seeking a more vibrant and inclusive democracy.
